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Aucelio, R. Q.; Carvalho, J. M.; Real, J. T.; Maqueira-Espinosa, L.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; da Silva, A. R. Study of the Interaction of Flavonoids with 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid Modified CdTe Quantum Dots Mediated by Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide in Aqueous Medium. Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 2017, 172, 147–155.
Daza, L. M.; Percebom, A. M.; Pérez-Gramatges, A. Polymer-Coated Cationic Silica Nanoparticles for Slow-Release Pickering Emulsions. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2020.
Venancio, J. C. C.; Nascimento, R. S. V.; Pérez-Gramatges, A. Colloidal Stability and Dynamic Adsorption Behavior of Nanofluids Containing Alkyl-Modified Silica Nanoparticles and Anionic Surfactant. J. Mol. Liq. 2020, 308, 113079.
Martínez-Villegas, N.; Suárez Muñoz, M.; González-Hernández, P.; Melián Rodríguez, C.; Barrios Cossio, J.; Hernández Díaz, R.; Fagundo Castillo, J. R.; Gelen Rudnikas, A.; Díaz López, C.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; et al. Inorganic and Organic Characterization of Santa Lucía Salt Mine Peloid for Quality Evaluations. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 2019.
Rosestolato, J. C. S.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Lachter, E. R.; Nascimento, R. S. V. Lipid Nanostructures as Surfactant Carriers for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Fuel 2019, 239, 403–412.
Percebom, A. M.; Towesend, V. J.; de Paula Silva de Andrade Pereira, M.; Pérez Gramatges, A. Sustainable Self-Assembly Strategies for Emerging Nanomaterials. Curr. Opin. Green Sustain. Chem. 2018, 12.
Maqueira-Espinosa, L.; Aucelio, R. Q.; da Silva, A. R.; Pérez-Gramatges, A. Role of a Cationic Surfactant in Mediating Interaction of Flavonoids with 3-Mercaptopropanoic Acid Capped CdTe Quantum Dots (3MPA-CdTe QDs). Colloids Surfaces A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2018, 553, 195–202.
Miranda-Andrades, J. R.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Pandoli, O.; Romani, E. C.; Aucélio, R. Q.; da Silva, A. R. Spherical Gold Nanoparticles and Gold Nanorods for the Determination of Gentamicin. Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 2017, 172, 126–134.
Aucelio, R. Q.; Carvalho, J. M.; Real, J. T.; Maqueira-Espinosa, L.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; da Silva, A. R. Study of the Interaction of Flavonoids with 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid Modified CdTe Quantum Dots Mediated by Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide in Aqueous Medium. Spectrochim. Acta Part A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc. 2017, 172, 147–155.
Tamayo, A. I. B.; Riso, L. S.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Farías, P. A. M.; Guas, A. M. E. Electrochemical Characterization a New Epoxy Graphite Composite Electrode as Transducer for Biosensor. Sensors & Transducers. 2016. 202(7), 59-65.
Sensors & Transducers, Vol. 202, Issue 7, July 2016, pp. 59-65
Suárez Muñoz, M.; Melián Rodríguez, C.; Gelen Rudnikas, A.; Díaz Rizo, O.; Martínez-Santos, M.; Ruiz-Romera, E.; Fagundo Castillo, J. R.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Martínez-Villegas, N. V.; Blanco Padilla, D.; et al. Physicochemical Characterization, Elemental Speciation and Hydrogeochemical Modeling of River and Peloid Sediments Used for Therapeutic Uses. Appl. Clay Sci. 2015, 104, 36–47.
Lopes, G.; de Oliveira, T. C. do C.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; da Silva, J. F. M.; Nascimento, R. S. V. Cationic and Hydrophobically Modified Chitosans as Additives for Water-Based Drilling Fluids. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014, 131 (11).
Delgado-Magnero, K. H.; Valiente, P. A.; Ruiz-Peña, M.; Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Pons, T. Unraveling the Binding Mechanism of Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Esters with Bovine Serum Albumin: A Novel Theoretical Model Based on Molecular Dynamic Simulations. Colloids Surfaces B Biointerfaces. 2014, 116, 720–726.
Manning, T.; Pérez-Gramatges, A. (et al.). Buret Experiment to Explore Correlations between Physical and Chemical Properties of Alcohols and Salt Solutions. Chem. Educator, 2014. 19, 125-132.
Lau González, M.; Jáuregui Haza, U.; Pérez Gramagtes, A.; Fariñas León, G.; Le Bolay, N. Supporting Students’ Learning To Learn in General Chemistry Using Moodle. J. Chem. Educ. 2014, 91 (11), 1823–1829.
Comas-Rojas, H.; Enríquez-Victorero, C.; Roser, S. J.; Edler, K. J.; Pérez-Gramatges, A. Self-Assembly and Phase Behaviour of PEI : Cationic Surfactant Aqueous Mixtures Forming Mesostructured Films at the Air/Solution Interface. Soft Matter 2013, 9 (15), 4003.
Lima, J. L. X.; Peréz-Gramatges, A.; Aucélio, R. Q.; da Silva, A. R. Improved Quantum Dots Fluorescence Quenching Using Organized Medium: A Study of the Effect of Naphthoquinones Aiming the Analysis of Plant Extracts. Microchem. J. 2013, 110, 775–782.
Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Matheus, C. R. V.; Lopes, G.; da Silva, J. C.; Nascimento, R. S. V. Surface and Interfacial Tension Study of Interactions between Water-Soluble Cationic and Hydrophobically Modified Chitosans and Nonylphenol Ethoxylate. Colloids Surfaces A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2013, 418, 124–130.
Pérez-Gramatges, A.; Chatt, A. Preconcentration of Copper by Cloud Point Extraction with 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-Naphthol and Determination by Neutron Activation. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. 2012, 294 (1), 163–170.
Catá, G. F.; Rojas, H. C.; Gramatges, A. P.; Zicovich-Wilson, C. M.; Álvarez, L. J.; Searle, C. Initial Structure of Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Micelles in Aqueous Solution from Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Soft Matter 2011, 7 (18), 8508.
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