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Seminarios 2020

Interactions between nanoparticles and surfactants in solutions

Apresentador: Beatriz Azevedo Data: 29/05/2020

Tracers development for studies of transport of nanoparticles in rocks of pre-salt reservoirs – a review

Apresentador: Alessandra Pazini. Data: 15/05/2020

Evaluation foam generation in Indiana limestones: minimum pressure gradient for foam generation and dynamic behavior at low foam quality

Apresentador: Juliana Façanha. Data: 22/05/2020

Foam parameter interpretation.

Apresentador: Alexandre Vilela. Data: 12/05/2020

Kerosene-Heavy oil mixture n the stabilization of water in oil emulsion

Apresentador: Lina Mercedes Daza Barranco . Data: 28/04/2020

Understanding the pH-response of cationicnanomaterials (Silica and cellulose): combining zetapotential and dynamic light dispersion

Apresentador: Luis Miguel Gutierrez. Data: 17/04/2020

Digital Rock Physics applied to Special Core Analysis

Apresentador: Pablo Albuquerque Godoy. Data: 07/04/2020


Apresentador: Leandro Freitas e Felipe Ricardo Teixeira Ribeiro. Data: 03/04/2020

Stability of foams formed by amine oxide surfactant with CO2 at high salinity

Apresentador: Cecília Cavalcanti Ribeiro Gonçalves. Data: 31/03/2020

Interactions between nanoparticles and surfactants in solutions

Apresentador: Beatriz Azevedo Data: 29/05/2020

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